A Touch of Frost:Conclusions


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A Touch of Frost:Conclusions

Frost investigates a robbery at a local casino and a hit and run accident that may involve Roger Massie, the son of a local Member of Parliament. Massie has previously been charged, but never convicted of reckless driving. Supt. Mullett is concerned that Frost is on a witch hunt but Frost soon realizes there is a connection between Massie and the casino, in the form of Massie's...

发布于1992年。由安东尼·西蒙斯执导,并且由编剧R·D·温菲尔德、Richard Harris (screenplay)携幕后团队创作。集众多位大卫·杰森、Bruce Alexander等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1992-12-20(英国)公映的电视剧。


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A Touch of Frost:Conclusions评价

  • 精彩的一集,复杂的人性以及猝不及防的死亡都让人难忘。凶手很好猜,frost探长很傲娇。

  • 特权咖疑似肇事逃逸实则为**谋取不在场证明;黑警被杀以为是***灭口实际上是同僚被绿的报复。两个案子都有不小的反转,里面的每一个涉案人员都有复杂的多面性。不过我印象最深的趴是Frost**特权咖家里的方式,怎么说呢,以往这样的剧里我一定会觉得侦探【狡黠】的刚好,但是这次却有种莫名的恐惧感,可能是我真的很讨厌在自己不在的时候被人侵入私人领地吧。。PS,1季刷完,暂时没有培养出对Frost的偏好,搁置下,以后有空再刷。
