A Model for Matisse


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Sister Jacques-Marie
  • 类型:纪录片 / 传记 / 历史
  • 地区: 美国
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A Model for Matisse剧情内容介绍

A Model for Matisse

Carnegie Mellon professor Barbara Freed helms this delightful and touching documentary account of the relationship between Dominican nun Sister Jacques-Marie and legendary artist Henri Matisse. In interview segments with the 83-year-old Jacques-Marie, she recalls serving as the model and inspiration for Matisse's work, especially the Chapel of the Rosary, located in the French ...

发布于2006年。由Barbara Freed执导,集众多位Sister Jacques-Marie等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2006-08-22公映的电影。


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A Model for Matisse评价

  • some interesting stories of Matisse and Sister Jacques are very impressive.

  • 作为一个无信仰的他 为她设计了整座教堂 细节到用他最爱的花作为烛台。他希望他陪伴在她最重要的精神生活中的每一个角落。我以为something, only love can do it

  • 美。非常感人的片子。片中修女讲述一个孩子在***教堂中,捧起马蒂斯设计的彩色玻璃投下的光给妈妈看,到了妈妈跟前,手里的光却没有了。
